Monday, February 13, 2012

Jekyll and Hyde #2

Author’s Note: In this part of Jekyll and Hyde, fog proves to be very foreshadowing. It also seems to symbolize darkness and evil very well. I found that fog and darkness foreshadow evil throughout this section, while the light reflects well-being and kindness.

Dark and wet upon the ground,
Evil shadows all around.
Cold and evil, day and night
To fight is futile, so is flight.

Sight is stolen, sound is gone
Foreshadow of the dark to come.
Creeping silent through the dark,
Bringing misery, hope is stark.

The fog clings quiet, an ancient ghost
It covers land, from coast to coast.
With shades dark black and shades bright white
It opposes itself, like day and night.

You look above and see no sun,
The fog has come and taken fun.
You look ahead but don’t see day
The fog has come, night’s here to stay.

When daylight fails, dark shows it’s hand
You can’t fight evil, you’re just one man.
One cannot run nor pray to cope
The fog has come, and killed all hope.

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