Wednesday, March 7, 2012

All Quiet on the Western Front Chapter 2 Response

Throughout the beginning chapters of All Quiet on the Western Front, the author Erich Remarque starts to develop many vital themes. Although all of his themes were meaningful and important, the theme of discipline was the most important theme thus far.

Erich Remarque begins his novel by educating the reader on their experiences in the war. Remarque explains how important it was to follow orders, or be disciplined. For instance, he explained the importance of discipline when he said “salutes, springing to attention, parade-marches, presenting arms, right wheel, left wheel, clicking the heels, insults, and a thousand pettifogging details.” There are so many rules that soldiers needed to follow and those were just some of them. Remarque also stresses discipline through deep diction in some parts of the novel. Through his diction and writing, he stresses that no one will survive or win the war without discipline. If no one in their army was disciplined, they would have no chance in the war.

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